Peace Family,
What’s good? Your breath is, hopefully. Not just the smell but also the quality of your breathing. It’s important. Speaking of, I’m grateful for mine! I’m sure that it kicks like Bruce Lee sometimes, but I do my best to breathe properly. Breath is life. And since I last posted, mine has gotten much fresher!
da’shon is.

"That just happened!"

So yo! Me and Fahamu Pecou (aka The Shit) just finished the ill mix tape. All I can say is, “it’s poppin’!” He heard my first mix CD The Traveler, and asked me to colab with him. It’s always cool working with other creatives, especially Fam. This project has been fun (and a chance to get my skills up). NeoPopStarTour Mix Vol.1 is available now. Cop yours today!
PS –He just told me he forgot to put the drops on the mix. Oh well. Just means you get that raw, uncut…-Live & Direct from The Dojo™!
Ahh… WMC, it’s like spring break for grown folks. For years it’s been a Mecca for beach bums and dance music drones. In the last week of March, Miami becomes a wholly place of DJ worship. The scene seduces with thongs, party-favors, and lots of sweaty dancing. But in a city that doesn’t see snow, why is their hottest spring-fling called the Winter Music Conference? Things that make you go…. “shhh! Wait! Awww snap! They playin’ my s***!”
My moon-sign friend Crissy likes to remind me “you’re never alone”. There is obvious truth to that. But there are things in life we must arrive at on our own. And as I do my best to live in the rhythm of our planet, on March 26 at 4:07pm, EST, I stood alone. I took time to honor the New Moons hidden face, and revealed my own. Wow that sounds corny (ha-ha : ) But it’s true. There’s a lot going own, things that would have overwhelmed me before. But my alarm reawakened me at 4:07. I had to stand alone to see the face of my power.
PS- I know that’s a picture of the Full moon, smart-ass.

Something I wanna address…
Dear Pop,
I pray that you wake up. I know that if you were awake, you’d see what I see; you’d know what I know. I don’t know if you’ve ever been awake… aware. I do know that I exist because of and despite your level of consciousness.
I bet you don’t know that when you’re in pain, I feel you, literally. When you allow your dis-ease to dictate your paradigm, your hurt resonates. When you put the glass to your lips, death emanates as the poison elixir washes away your truth. I bet you don’t consider our quantum connection, father and son. You’re not in it alone. You’re not just killing yourself.
I’ve had to find myself without the steady guidance of elder men. It’s been a challenging sojourn. Since you didn’t have a steady male mentor either, it seems these challenges are inherent. So doesn’t now seem like a good time to wake up? Isn’t evolution, elevation… isn’t love the goal? -I now know that I was born into these circumstances to cause dissonance in this stupid cycle. I know who I am because of and in spite of you.
Dad, you once shared with me that you’ve never tried hard at anything. That sounds crazy to a kid who thought his dad was the smartest man in the world! When I shared this with my sis we realized that this must be one of our inherited traits. Imagine; the awards, the accolades, the relationships, the materials that we’ve experienced have come without much conscious effort. We’re just naturally dope. Now imagine what wonders we can witness when we are intentional in our movements. The “try” is trumped by the deliberate doing.
You might not know this but the first new moon of spring gives us a chance at new beginnings. I don’t know all of the circumstances that put you in the hospital this time. I don’t know why you haven’t found your power yet. But I do know that the present is a gift we can’t afford to sleep on. “Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around”. Dad, I am Creator da’shon is., and I am awake! I know what I’m here to do, and it’s spectacular! I want you to see it manifest. I pray that you wake up so that you can see that this life is exactly what we make it, from NOW on.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!
I got this one from Aden. -A sign of the times...

“The most I can show you is Love”.
Get Money
In reference to my previous entry “WELCOME TO MY WORLD” about today’s money, I offer you The Science of Getting Rich. It was published about 100 years ago but still holds weight today. In fact, the wealth found in these volumes is timeless. Wallace Wattles was spittin’ truth! “…you can render to God and
Humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself.” Say word.
Here’s the intro. You can find chapters 1-15 on youtube.

Points of interest…
The Spider has set another web... Big Up Salah!

Atlantabuzz.com says...

First of a kind... We MAKE history!!!

Thank you’s and shout-outs…
http://www.mediafire.com/file/qizm3nidqlz/NPST TRCKS.gif
http://www.mediafire.com/file/oh5ez4oyjz5/NPST VOL1.mp3
Big Up to DJ First Lady holdin' down Cloud 9 in L5P. She run tings!
“Yo! Love the blog man.....that's truly hot!” -Christian Sohl
“A few months ago I learned how to be in the present, it was an amazing revelation...I thought I wouldn't forget how but seems I lost it along the way until I read it today. Thank you!” –Lilybeth
Thanks for the encouragement and kind words!