Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hey World!
Last week was kinda hectic, so I owe you one... Thanks for coming back. Let's get in>>>

"That just happened!"

Lupus is the dis-ease that the Master Producer J Dilla suffered from. When he passed in ’06, three days after his birthday, music heads felt it! So when the homie Sanniyah Griffin said she was doing a benefit, I volunteered my DJ services. Honestly, I don’t do charities and benefits in the traditional manner. Not because I don’t care. It’s that I recognize that calling for a war on terrorism, for example, does nothing but and fuel. The constant attention to what we don’t want creates an orgy of negative manifestation. But I digress. -I wanted to spin and have fun and get educated, and I did! Give thanks to Sunny and big up to Avery Sunshine : D

Art Shown
That dude Cosmo I introduced you to, with the “CP Time Machine” did an ill art show last weekend! This project explored “memory, both individual and communal, and myths, those newly created and inherited.” I DJ-ed this joint too so the vibes were lovely and so were the people who came thru. Big Up to Eb and Tiff who rolled up on brand new bicycles! Wait ‘til I get my joint; it’s on! - BTW, this show is up at 235 Walker St. Check it out.

Spread Lovely
Speaking of Tiff… she’s always saving the last dance for me. Making me feel kinda speshu : ) But I’ve missed the last few parties, and she’s been quick to remind me! So I cut out of the art show early and connected with her at Spread Love. If you don’t know how Kemit puts it down, you’re sleepin’. He dropped one of my favorite joints, and I went on the hunt for the one they call Sista T (aka the Butta Fly). She worked my ol’ bones so hard, I wasn’t right ‘til Monday. I’ma come correct next time Love!

The Monies
DJ Phil Money came thru the A to rock his sister in-law’s graduation party. So I went to the Big house to get my BBQ on. The Money Family knows how to throw a shindig. Yo, there was food everywhere, a pool, of course good music, and later that night… strippers!? At one point I was holding down the tables with a Reggae set. I heard a commotion behind me, so I turned to investigate. And there they were, the breast I was admiring only moments earlier where now free! I didn’t throw money or cop a feel; not really my steeze. But I admire a fine cup like the next man : D When’s the next jump off Phil?

Something I wanna address…


For a long time I’ve had an aversion to old white men. It wasn’t something I was aware of for many years though. This quiet, specific hate didn’t stem from their knack for oppression, rape and pillage (they don’t have a corner on that market), but because my second molester was an old white man. In fact, the pedophile character on Family Guy reminds me of this dude.

It started typically, simply and innocently, as these things do. In my Biloxi Mississippi neighborhood, he was the cool old man that loved little Black kids. I started hanging out at his house because my friends said we could go there and do what we wanted. Eating my fill of Oreos, trying cigarettes, and gettin’ money were appealing to this 8 year-old explorer.

And then the day came. Apparently it was my turn. –There was a roller skating party that evening that I desperately wanted to attend. Portia was gonna be there! But as was the usual scenario, Moms didn’t have the money. Desperate to get to my crush, I had the idea to ask the old man if I could do chores for the loot. Naturally, he was more than happy to oblige. And no work was required. “Just look on that shelf in the closet and take what you need.”

“OK, thanks! I gotta go. See you tomorrow…”

“Why are you leaving so quickly? At least come give me a hug before you go.”

If not before, this is when my antenna sensed things were taking a bad turn. But he gave me money. I could give the old man a hug. When I sat down in his lap I realized he was nude under that blue robe and he was erect. Before I could react, his hand was down the front of my pants. I don’t remember saying anything or slamming the door behind me. I just see me bolting out the front door before it went where I knew it could go.

Of course, I wasn’t in a festive mood that night. I’m sure my best friend was upset by my lack of enthusiasm about chasing girls and skating. I saw Portia once that night, but I didn’t speak. In fact, I didn’t say anything to anyone about what happened, until…

One day there was a bang at the door. Had to be the police with a rap like that! When I saw 3 angry Black moms through the peephole, I instinctually knew what was up. “Is your Momma home?” “Yes Mam, please come in. Mom!”

After I told my mom what happened to me, I found out how lucky I was. Apparently the old man got a lot more physical with the other younger boys in my ‘hood. If I recall correctly, it ended with him being sentenced to 7 years in prison. I can picture him looking pathetic in county orange and shackles.

When I was 19, I was doing a cleaning job for two Priests who lived together. For my great work I received a gratuity and a pat on the back. That pat made my skin crawl!!! On the long drive home, it hit me. My reaction was the result of what happened to me. I was happy for the realization because I know that repressing this sort of thing is not a good look. That experience has kept me more aware.

Stay tuned for the final installment.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!

“The most I can show you is Love”.

A young friend hit me up about this new kid she just met. She was excited about the meeting because he came correct. He’s a Virgo and she’s a Gemini, so the conversation was correct. She did some math and their birth-path numbers line up. So now what?

How do I know he’s real? How can I know if he’s being truthful about his intentions? What if…? –In our conversation I could hear her plottin’ and schemin’ to get to the truth. “Why don’t you just ask what you want to know?”

-In my experience, most people want to be honest. And if given a chance, people are, to some degree. But in my opinion, media and society perpetuate the misguided ‘need’ to misrepresent, beat around the bush, or just lie. And what people lie about is ridiculous! Age, income, and relationship status are the hot ones. But I think that it’s everyone’s duty to break this stupid habit.

If we want trustworthy relationships, we have to be trustworthy. Of course, just because you’re real doesn’t mean everyone you know will transform. But as we are more authentic in our movements, we begin to attract like minds. When the people you deal with on the regular know how you rock, they tend to rock with you. At the very least, your integrity gives rise to the ability to see others dishonesty. I can’t pretend I know how this works. But the muscle that allows us to see clearly is developed by our correct actions.

I say give people a chance to be truthful. If we’re in tune with our own truth, theirs is easy to recognize. Besides, someone else’s lack of integrity should not give us license to slip on ours. The more we expect good, the more good comes our way.

BTW – Gemini / Virgo combo is great for communication and friendship, but a long-term commitment is challenging!

Points of interest…

Big Up to my cousin Dane, doin’ it for the kids!

Sol Messiah’s was the first mixtape I bought when I first moved to the A in 93/94! Check for him!

Check the Word Play REMIX Feat. Wale, Curren$y, Senor Kaos - Produced By 9th Wonder
And his blog is crazy too!

For you house heads that just can’t get enough…

Thank you’s and shout-outs…

THE GIFT: I’m working on some Prince stuff. This is “Gauged Kiss”. ENJOY!
(copy n paste)

To the flyest sister in Chocolate City, China… There’s only 1 Camille!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Peace Good People!
It’s been another week of waking up. My fam and friends have had some crazy things happen to them. And as I remember, I remind them that there are no wasted moments. Good, bad, whatever, let’s keep it moving, with a smile!

da’shon is.

"That just happened!"

Mighty Aphrodite?
Or is it the Adonis™? Apparently the Oprah show has gone beyond book recommendations! I was informed that a particular vibrator was suggested for g-spot orgasms and it sold out immediately. Talk about power. She says boo, and the world (at least the female population) is moved. Seriously, though, I’m all for the idea of empowering young women. The more a female knows about her body, the more she can teach her partner. Everybody wins! Get yours.

Tea Baggin’
It’s like a bad movie to me. Republicans protesting the President’s economic policy by invoking a 17th century act of rebellion. A perfect illustration on how out of touch they are from most. Even if they are in on their own joke, the shit is just silly to me. And what’s even sillier is that most people still don’t see this whole thing for what it truly is. It’s all one big lewd ACT! In this scene, who’s doing the dipping and who’s getting bagged? Please wake up my friends.

No HOPE for truth™
Well not really. I’m sure they’ll be fine without me. For those that don’t know, I worked with this anti-tobacco campaign for the past 9 years (oh, and people called me HOPE). Last year I decided that it was time for me to move on and do my tings-an-ting. So this past Monday, five of my former employees converged in Atlanta to prepare for this summers nation-wide tours. -I’ll miss you guys, but this groundbreaking program is in very capable hands! Safe travels.

Rite Pass
Last fall my homie had a naming ceremony for his son. It was a great experience and I think it’s a needed first Rite of Passage for American children. Ten years ago was the first time I considered what sort of difference these rituals would have made in my life. Around the time of the ceremony is when I realized that I wasn’t alone in this notion. So the first steps have been taken to address this issue. Check out his powerful blog: And stay tuned for entries from yours truly.

Something I wanna address…

Molested Part 1

I had my first sexual experience at age 5. Way too young to even be thinking about such things, but I did. Maybe it was the music my parents listened to. Maybe TV gave my impressionable mind a start. Maybe it was that one time I walked in on my folks ruffling up the couch pillows under red light. I still don’t like being in a red-lit room! I don’t know how or exactly when my curiosity was aroused but I was pretty young. Curiosity may have killed that cat, but it gave me a chance to play “house”.

Basically, a family member molested me. I was playing alone in a room. I was startled when the door swung open. I was caught humping my wife (a stuffed animal) on the couch (a big toy box). This intrigued the onlooker. Rather than busting me, to my surprise I was left alone. At that age, I knew what I was doing was “wrong”, but it seemed my innocent explanation sufficed. But she returned a short while later with an offer I couldn’t refuse. “You wanna do that for real?” “Yeah”, I said. Thus began my premature exploration.

I’ll spare me the details, but it turned nasty. The first time I liked it. Well, as much as a 5-year-old boy could. I mean, I chose to be there, well, as much as a 5-year-old boy could. But just like any child with a new toy, it got old quick. When I refused to revisit the act, my playmate turned vicious. Perhaps she thought I’d tell my mom on her. I had no intentions on doing that; my mom swung a mean belt! At that age all I knew was I was engaged in something bad that I initially volunteered for. That just felt like an ass whoppin’ waiting to happen. So, to keep me quiet I was threatened, locked in a dark tool shed at night, and otherwise verbally abused. Curiosity didn’t kill me, but it left a scar.

I was talking to a friend the other day about how one’s first sexual experiences color the rest of our relationships. Good, bad or ugly, how we cope with the first time will inform how we deal with future partners. I’m sure that I take sex so seriously because of my childhood traumas. In my friend’s case, he said his first time motivated him to do the opposite of what he experienced. So then this notion begs the question; what was a molester’s first experience like? Are they blindly acting out patterns or are they making a cognizant choice to be deviant?

Molestation and pedophilia is pandemic. I believe that those of us who are in a position to do so should speak on it. Let me be clear, I don’t mean we should pick a bright colored ribbon as a symbol and take to the streets. In my opinion, that sort of thing adds fuel to the fire. I’m saying, telling one’s story from an enlightened place of presence can be of benefit to another people who has buried their own abuse.

Stay tuned for more on the subject.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!

Cute, but no.

“The most I can show you is Love”.

The Joy of Letting Go
At some point we’ve all gotta let go of something. I believe the issue is that we fight against what is, and we make things worse. He dumped you, she embarrassed you, they did you wrong. When our feelings are hurt, it’s tough to ignore. But we have to decide what we love more, the drama or generally feeling good.

For most people letting go is the hardest thing to do. When we invest time and effort into something that disappoints, it stings. And if we mistakenly wrap our self worth in something that is beyond our control, well, you know the out come. But I know that when I pause, and embrace some fundamentals of being, letting go becomes as easy as opening my hand and watching ‘it’ fall.

It boils down to controlling one’s ego. The best thing I do for myself is remembering that this pesky ego lives in the past and the future. The things that happened to us are done. The things we fear may happen have not happened. The ego’s job is to keep us bouncing back and forth between these 2 points in time. Because of that, most people remain stuck on the pain, disappointment, and frustrations of things that are already dead and gone! We can easily control the ego by being present. We can easily let go by being present.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but would I lie to you? Don’t just believe me, try it. Something got your chones in a bunch? Imagine yourself holding that thing in your hand really tightly. Now, open your hand and watch that thing drop. Turn, walk away, and never look back. And if your mind wonders back to that thing you don’t want, repeat the process. We humans tend to make things more dramatic than they have to be. This practice will change your life.

Points of interest…

If you're in the A, I'm spinning at the Addidas Store @ Lenox Mall 1-6pm, Sat April 18! Don't sleep...

Sunny's doin' it to big to bring awareness to Lupus. Dilla, rest in peace.

DAN THE MAN puts it on. Let's go!

Rennie Harris Puremovement @ Rialto Center for the Arts on 4/25 @ 8 p.m. All ages.
Burn Unit is doing a post-show performance in the lobby.

DOOM showing mega love to staHHr in this interview.

Thank you’s and shout-outs…

Piper & Chaz go to Hawaii! I don't see yall enough as it is! Save room on the coach : D


LOT'S OF LOVE TO MY BABY SISTER who was mistakenly held at gun point by LAPD. We know how they do. She's was shaken up, but she's good.
Don't sweat it Sis. Love You!

PEACE TO THE truthSAYERS: Shawn, Janna, Ian, Kaili, Tia, Deepa, and Scotty. Love Yall!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Yo Fam,

Happy Friday evening! This week I’m comin’ at you live from Diamond Lounge Creative. I had to get out of the home office and mingle a little. I’ve had a great week. Hope yours has been all Love! –Let’s go in…

da’shon is.

"That just happened!"

Sunny Business
So I was chillin’ with my home girls Sunny and Margaret. They were talking about how it’s time to go for it. This made me smile, ‘cause I’m up in it right now. And when one is doing something like plotting a new course, having comrades is essential. Anywho, I had a great buildin’ session with Sunny today. Good to see her out there on her grind. Git it gurr! More on her later…

Artist Fahamu Pecou is finally putting me in one of his wildly popular paintings. After supporting and participating in his rise over the past few years I get to be more than a footnote. Thought I was gonna have to knock that dude out! Big up Fam. Love you Bro! -Look out for the “Black Presidential” series. Dumbhot!

Life Coach?
It’s been suggested to me a few times. A part of the reason I started blogging is because of the promoting to share helpful ideas with more people. So for the past week or so the theme has re-emerged with a new strength. I was just put onto an organization call Kismet Coach. Sounds dope so far. I’ll keep ya posted…

Black to the Future
My dude Cosmo (not to be confused with Kozmo) is doing this ill series of photos with this “CP Time Machine” he made from a model car. I just thought the concept was fresh and wanted to speak on it. He wasn’t really planning to do a show, but I’m gonna encourage it. Here’s what he has to say about it: “My C.P. Time Machine project attempts to take the viewer through the psyche of Afro-centric Blackness, past the memory of pain, death, unity, dysfunction, happiness and finally to the mythical Africa.” Let ‘em know Sun!

Something I wanna address…


I once read that only 6% of all living creatures on Earth take one mate for life. With those types of stats, monogamy seems more like a matter of preference, at least for some species. Humans are the sentient beings with the ability to make the choice. It makes one wonder if monogamy is natural for all of us.

Building with a male friend who’s in a committed relationship, he shared that he loves more than one woman. This is an obvious problem for someone who claims no desire to break up with his lady. But the love for another feels good enough that he’s conflicted about giving it up. This one is not a mere sexual endeavor; it was founded and grows from friendship. Now it would seem that the answer to this dilemma is obvious, especially to women and those who’ve been cheated on. But is it?

Yesterday, a Christian female friend shared her feelings on the matter. Her view is that the European model of right and wrong effects how people deal with relationships and marriage. She says, as a woman who’s been married before, monogamy ain’t for everybody. She’s now seeing someone who’s in a relationship and things are working perfectly. I don’t imagine this would sit well with the flock. But is she wrong for rockin’ it her way?

Another person I know handled his situation differently. As a self-proclaimed dog, he’d never been in a relationship where he didn’t cheat. After a year of monogamy with the woman he plans to marry, that old feeling started coming back. When he shared this, I advised him against falling back into old patterns. My message was, regardless of the out come, if he truly loved his lady, he must be honest with her. To my surprise, he had the talk. Because of this, his woman suggested they invite another female into the mix. It’s all working out for them. What’s wrong with that?

I am “the world’s most sensual sage” but I’ve also done some dirt! I’ve never cheated on anyone. I happen to like being with one woman at a time and I’m extremely loyal. But I have cheated with someone. It was not a pleasant experience. I couldn’t enjoy the sex because of the immediate guilt. And for me, the best sex is when I can free up and be deeply intimate. The rest is cute and whatnot, but I like to get up in there. But I digress…

My feeling is that honesty always works out best. Regardless of the outcome, we should always come correct.
Like my moms used to say “I ain’t gotta do s#!7 but stay Black and die.” -A person has only to answer to themselves and their Higher Power. The rest will sort itself out. I don’t know if how my friends move in their relationships is correct, nor do I care. I just want them to be happy and to be the best they can be. In my experience, being real means never having to apologize for who we are. The decision to be monogamous should be satisfied by individuals, not by institutions with agendas. LOVE.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!

This next one is so wrong I didn’t want to put it ON the page. So, if you’re not too sensitive…

“The most I can show you is Love”.

The Universe is Self Aware Through You

When I first read that sentence, it resonated with me. Like the statement “God is right now”, it truly exemplifies my feeling about being “here”. And the more I overstand what this means, the more I understand what I need to do. Nothing.

This occurred to me the other night, again. See if this makes sense to you: All the religions that I know of, claim that we are made in the image of the Being we call God. This Being is everywhere; there’s no place it is not. This all powerful Being can naturally do, have and be whatever it chooses because it is the Creator of all that is. You wit’ me? –So if we humans are made in its image, what powers do we possess?

Amit Goswami claims that without the human mind to witness it, the Universe can’t exist. Consider that. If you know anything about quantum physics, you know that the building blocks of the Universe act in accordance to the observer. If a scientist predicts that a quantum particle will bounce twice, roll and stop, when observed, the particle will do EXACTLY that. What powers indeed!

My truth is that I am GOD, and so are you. I believe that my desires are the ALL seeking expression through me, one of it’s many vessels. The want for more money for example, is the Universe wanting to express wealth. The want for happiness is Gods want for happiness. I believe all of our dreams and goals are our birthright. There is no need to compete for anything because what God wants it Creates! "There's nothing we have to do, there's only what we want to do." The best thing we can do is get the hell out of the way!

Be Wealthy.

Points of interest…

Dan The Man is doing it again! I’m gonna actually get my shite together and be in one of these shows…

Marlo Herring shot some of the Blak Prez series for Pecou’s paintings. This dude is nice wit’ it! Peep the site:

Sahar Creative Services, LLC is a boutique Marketing Consulting Company, specializing in creating and managing Email Marketing Campaigns for small businesses and artistic endeavors.
Services include:
Logos-Brand Identity Packages
Event Coordination/Management
Creative Writing (Press Releases, Bio's, Web/Marketing collateral)

Thank you’s and shout-outs…
(If the link above does not appear clickable or does not open a browser window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's Location bar.)

THE GIFT: 1."From Every City" 2."To Every Nation" These are best played back to back for optimal effect. Two songs from one... E C.mp3 E N.mp3


Aussies for the research. I’m comin’ to Rock Sydney!

TwoSquared Ent. for takin’ care of bit’niss!

And NUFF RESPEC’ to Intelligent Black Women with Natural Hair! I love ALL women, to be sure. But this segment of the population is still getting a bad wrap. So I gotta let ‘em know, I got a special place for you in my heart. God Bless! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!
These are just SOME of the fly ones I'm blessed to know : D

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Peace Yall,

Live and Direct from the Temple, it’s me! I’m late with the blog this week because life has been happening. Some heavy stuff is going on, but ultimately, it’s all bueno. I hope this one finds you well and thriving. Enjoy.

da’shon is.

"That just happened!"

My boy invited his friends over to critique his art. It turned into a great discussion about being Black. It occurred to me that all of these Black intellectuals were degreed, articulate and well informed. As we came together over fried chicken and potato salad to share stories of our journey, I sensed a familiar something. Although we share a cultural background, I still got the feeling that they didn’t see what I see. My ego would have me believe it’s because I don’t have a degree in anything. “They’re just smarter than you.” Spirit knows better. Regardless of the setting it’s my nature to rebel, to seek difference. I believe that even when we come together as one, we must always honor individuality. It helps us to evolve. –My mantra: appreciate the similar and celebrate the different.

A crew of us went to an art show at the Addidas store. Nice turn out, and I ran into some familiar faces I hadn’t seen in a while. One of which was the DJ Dibiasi. We met a couple years ago when Kembo and I did a Wednesday nite set called “Port au Patois” (don’t ask). I heard he could spin, so I invited him to get on in between sets. Kid is nice. Now his name is everywhere. Anywho, I’m looking around the space like, “I can rock this place.” So I’m talking to my dude Jose who runs the spot; he used to come to our Wednesdays. And he invited me out to spin on April 18. Nice one. Now I gotta get some fresh kicks for the occasion…

It seems my dream team is finally coming together. I (virtually) met a cool woman who seems to have the ability to help me forward a project. I’ve been working on this so long that I can’t help but be optimistic about things manifesting. They are! Plus I’ve got two homies in Dallas who have just been waiting for me to get my $#!+ together so they can work their magic. –I now see my ideal life coming into view. Give thanks!

Something I wanna address…

Black consciousness has always been a curious notion to me. When I was in high school (88-91) knowing ones Blackness was becoming popular. Thanks to crews like Native Tongues, Public Enemy, and X-Clan, kids were seeing themselves in a new light. We felt a pride that we weren’t able to find up until that point. But instead of unity, I saw teenage egos create a divide. If you weren’t “conscious” then you were an Uncle Tom worthy of a beat down. There was still something missing.

This past week I’ve seen themes of self-loathing and self-love being played out repeatedly. A panel discussion about light verses dark skin left 12 year old girls in tears as they shared their accounts. A couple, both of biracial heritage, spoke to me about not being Black enough. Even 60 years after the “Doll Test” was first conducted, this week’s new results still stir up more questions than answers. -The obvious and subtle brainwash that has been perpetrated on the people of Earth is astounding.

Back in high school, what really confounded me were the “Super Conscious” Black kids. These are my people who know history, read Malcolm X, were at every Spike Lee joint on opening night, and started giving up perms for a natural. And if you didn’t have a distain for everything non-Black, then you weren’t Black enough. You guessed it; in most cases I didn’t quite make the cut. Unlike most of them, I was traveled. I had experience that can’t be had growing up on the block. I’d met people and seen things that afforded me a broader world-view. But try explaining that to teenage militants who were just learning about Huey P. Newton! They weren’t tryin’ to hear what was something missing.

I had never been more proud to be Black than my first adult trip to Europe. Ironic though it seems, seeing my beauty reflected in the eyes of “strangers” gave me another perspective to consider. The first part of my life I hated my dark skin and nappy hair and big lips! But my self-loathing was hand delivered by unsuspecting agents. There has only been one white person who ever had the gall to call me nigger to my face. I was about 7. But my bothers and sisters have been the more reliable sources of hate. So to be in countries where people don’t know me, yet celebrate my swagger was eye opening. By that summer of ’98 I was walking my brand of Blackness. My dark skin and long nappy hair became my badge of pride. Men admired, women swooned. That missing thing was coming into view.

What I recognized in high school is what I know now: there is only one consciousness. What we experience as separation is the ego’s need to feel superior. And for a race of people who have been shitted on for centuries, the want to reverse the current is understandable. But it’s silly and futile in the end. My blessed upbringing has put me in a unique position to understand the truth, as I see it. I am proud to be a Super Conscious Black man. That is how I manifest in this plane of existence. And if I had to come back and do it again, I’d elect to be a Black man every time. The truth is that I am a spiritual being living a very human experience. I am the Universe seeking expression through the physical form, da’shon is. I am God, the Super Conscious Being. And so are you.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!


“I’ve got a blackbelt in keeping my pants up.”

"Why's it called 'dry-humping' if I always need a towel after?"

“The most I can show you is Love”.

“Never try and wake a sleepwalker”.
I got great responses to the open letter I wrote to my father in the last blog. One was a reminder that we should never try to wake a sleepwalker. Apparently it’s dangerous. I started to consider what this means in the context of helping people “wake up” to their lives. After all, this is a major part of why I’m here!

People have always told me I’m a good listener. Friends and fam have always come to me for advice or to just get things off their chests. And I don’t know what it is, but I have the ability to listen deeply and care genuinely, and often times help with my observations. When I was in my 20’s my ego lead me to start doling out unwanted advice. I realized that wasn’t the way to go.

“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”. Gospel. -It’s been a challenge to except my limitations when it comes to helping people. I see answers to questions that haven’t been asked. But to give these answers before they are sought can lead to strained relations. Trying to force someone to wake up before they are ready causes unnecessary drama in their growing process.

What I’ve learned is to simply fall back, and wait for my chance to be of service. If I can see a way to help without stepping on toes, then I do. Otherwise, my time is better spent minding my own business.

Points of interest…

Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum is an amazing artist who's work is now showing at Marica Wood Gallery in Castleberry Hill. Go see for yourself!

Kemit's doing it again on April 24th. Save the date!!!

Thank you’s and shout-outs…

THE GIFT: "Osho's Heaven?" -This is the first joint I did that contains samples. You'll never guess where it's from! Enjoy.

BIG UP to Aden and Sara for the help out! Love yall : D