Peace Fam,
I’m glad you could join me! It’s been a great week since my last post. Got some good things to share and another quick read. Also, today’s gift (in the Give Thanks section) will only be available for the next 7 days! GET YOURS.
I just got another encouraging email: “Wanted to say I’m following the blog. It’s hot son… Got the RSS feed on my homepage”! -Give thanks! That really helps me to stay on the path and share these blessings….
Please forward responsibly>>>
da’shon is.

“That just happened!”
My homie spoke on a panel at a portfolio school called the Creative Circus recently. I went along for support and curiosity about this place I’d been hearing about. –DOPE! These folks know what the hell they are doing. It seems to me that if advertising is your thing, there’s not a better school for it. They (and the students) win so many awards that some organization had to limit the amount they can receive per year! Morehouse students primarily populated the audience of this panel discussion/orientation. What I learned was there are very few minorities or women in the advertising game. One of the reasons cited was a lack of interest. The panelists, whom were mostly Black professionals, told a different story. They were there to prove that so-called minorities are very interested in being a part of a medium that dictates their public image.
Did you see the Presidential Address? He really is like a rock star. For the record, I don’t generally follow politics. And I’m usually annoyed when my regularly scheduled program is interrupted for some windbag to tell us more lies. But this new president is something to behold. Obviously I feel some pride in President Obama’s position. That aside, I am amazed at his swag! I’ve never seen any political figure get the kind of reception he does when he walks into a room. Even people who voted against him were clamoring like schoolgirls to shake his hand. -I think that he’s as on point as he can be when it comes to fixing these inherited challenges. And of course there are the haters that are gonna hate for hates sake. But things just feel like they are gonna get better, especially now that the other dude is out of our faces. -Rock on Mr. President.
I was on ichat with Fahamu Pecou hearing about his art show opening in Cape town, South Africa. He says it came off properly and even had some celebs in the house! (See pix on facebook) He says Nelson Mandela showed up in a purple leather suit, although, I didn’t see those pictures… Anywho, the best part of the story is that his paintings didn’t arrive in time for the show! Can you imagine a 17-hour trip to Africa for an event that you’re featured in, and not have work to show!? Well they call him “the shit” for a reason (not just because he gave himself the title). With only 24 hours to show time, he did a study of the photos that he uses to create the work. He put the magic hands on ‘em, framed them, and hung the work just in time to show off. –Can’t, won’t, don’t stop!
My girl Jam just put me on to this website that teaches people how to become independent food growers. She is planning to turn her front yard into a produce garden. I think it’s brilliant! And real talk, it’s more necessary than most of us know. -I have a relative that was born with pubic hair! Even though I was young when I heard about this, I knew it was because of food. Can you say “hormones”? -Athletes are getting busted for steroids while the people who handle our food are doing way worse to us. Even vegetarians have to be careful of the food they buy. Unless it says organic on the label…. And even then… I’m just sayin’, why not be sure and grow your own? Check these sites: http://www.PathtoFreedom.com, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCPEBM5ol0Q
Aren’t the police meant to protect and serve? I’m not some typical police hater, I’m sure there are good people in some of those uniforms. But did you hear about this Good Samaritan who got a ticket after saving two lives? The weather is heavy in Colorado this time of year. So, when this bus driver was dropping off two old ladies, he decided to help them cross the street. It’s messy out there; he thought he was doing a good thing. A truck comes barreling towards them, so he pushes the ladies to safety before he got plowed! He woke up in the hospital with broken bones, head trauma, and a jaywalking ticket. Apparently they don’t play that “last boy scout” s*** in the CO!

Something serious…
Presence is my main ambition in life. Not too long ago, my goals were more normal I guess. Success, love, happiness were all a part of the vision. But when I finally realized that the only place I can experience anything real is in this moment, my life changed. Something I wrote a few years back:
“The Present is an Eternal Gift
The past is gone. The future never comes. All we really have for sure is this moment. Not the next one or the one that just past, but right here, right now!
In the journey to finding ourselves it is very helpful to look at the past. The past is where we find all of the lessons we were (supposed) to have learned. We can measure our current successes by comparing them to where we were back in the day. But in the backwards journey we often get caught up in the memories, good and bad, and most of us relive these memories in the now. When we do that we miss the magic and power of what’s in front of us, the present we are constantly being offered!
Future planning has great importance in the building of our dreams. It’s even more powerful after figuring out who we are and where we want our lives to be. The future is full of possibilities for personal greatness (or failure if you let your mind run unchecked). But if you do like I did, you can run the danger of getting caught up in constant planning and not enough action! And besides that, tomorrow never really comes does it? Think about that, it’s really always today, right now!
NOW is a beautiful gift that is awarded everyone who is here (that’s why it’s called the ‘present’). I found out that the more I honor the now, and truly appreciate every moment, the more I get out of this life. The blessings keep coming! Someone said that everything we do in this moment affects what happens to us in the next moment (I think I heard Oprah say that). Just take the present. It’s free and it’s yours!”

Corny, politically-incorrect, or just silly-ass jokes!
A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He sidles up to the bar and announces: "I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw."
Q: What is the new O.J. web site address?
A: Slashslash.backslash.escape

“The most I can show you is Love”.
A friend I hadn’t seen in a while explained that she was trying to figure out what she wants out of life. It made me think about where I am in my journey.
The funny thing is I think about it a lot. I always tell people that I’ve always known what I want and who I am. I’m sure it sounds more arrogant than it is. Circumstance forced me to figure some things out at an early age. By the same token, a lot of things that I may have learned otherwise, I didn’t get. My point is, knowing who we are and what we want from our lives doesn’t stop. Life is change and the Universe is always in motion. So the realization of the truth is ever evolving. That’s should be a comfort for those of us who are truth seekers.
I have found my truth. Actually, it was more of a remembering of what’s always there. It seems to me that the ‘thing’ we want arises when we are still and in a state of allowing. Often times when we force the issue, we frustrate the issue by adding stress to it. The truth is, there are answers to our questions. But because there are constant distractions in the modern world, we miss the answers.
Try This:
The next time you have a big question, try giving it some space. Give yourself some quiet time for reflection. Hold the question in your mind, and KNOW that an answer will present itself. Then practice patience; allow the answer to come. –If you’re brand new at this, it might seem to take forever. But by the time this becomes your default setting you’ll wonder why you weren’t on it before.
The truth is, we always know what we want. The challenge is getting pass the (self-imposed) blocks.
Something on your mind? Get at me. I'm here to serve.

It's going down tonight! See you there...:

For the REAL sneaker heads:

And save the date. J's bringing a different flav:

Thank you’s and shout-outs…
Happy Belated to my girl Kelly : ( You make “MY” shirt look good ; ) And Mr. "Brown Skin", I mean Olivier, where you at Sun!?! Happy early B-Day.

Here's a next gift, my first mix CD. No frills just good vibes for your journey. Use the link below. Safe travels!

Da’shon Is - truly exemplifies a universal mind!
thank you for that celebration!
and thank you for your writing... my two cents: the best of it is when you turn in on you and write what you realize. love!k
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