Peace Good Peoples,
This month has been a whirlwind. Travel, busy-ness, friends and feminine attention has had my head spinning! I’d like to share some of what I’ve seen and learned. Be wealthy.
da’shon is.

"That just happened!"
So I finally got out to LA and did the first new SKF Lounge installment. I promise I’m not being a typical critical Virgo when I say it wasn’t my best performance. I allowed technical difficulties and fatigue to take me off my game. But I did get what I wanted from the experience: fotos, footage, and feedback. I learned a lot about what to do to make it better. So I’m counting this one as a success. Big up to the left coast for showing me madd LOVE!

If you recall, I sent out a public notice that I wanted to speak with Dr. Sunyatta Amen, a belly dance instructor and sexual kung fu practitioner. Well apparently, she heard about it and reached out to me on facebook. At first I didn’t believe it was she. There was no pic with the message and I couldn’t click on the name to lead me to a profile page. With today’s identity theft and general internet f**kery, I wasn’t buyin’ it. When she gave me her personal email, I loosened up, a little. I’d like her to be a part of my future events; I’m waiting to hear back. So I’ll keep you posted as to when and the next joints are going down.

I got to spend some much-needed beach time with the Fam. Sun and sand and ocean, Moms, Sis and my nieces made it a perfect day. Having traveled a lot, I’m probably a beach snob. If you’ve seen the Mediterranean from both sides, you know what I’m talking about! But LA’s good ole Venice beach did me right day. I slept like a baby that night : )

I finally got a chance to take yoga class from Ms Elika. Wow. It’s been a minute since I’ve been in a real class so I was a little rusty. But her grace and general kindness is welcoming and puts one at ease. Her manner of leading a class is confident, gentle and hums with an undercurrent of love. I’ve done weight training, martial arts, biking, but yoga is my favorite type of workout. It works out the three parts of being, all at once. When I walk away, spirit has been touched, mind is clear and the body moves fluidly. And with Elika running this I felt well cared for. Give thanks for the alignment!

My homie Fahamu has immortalized me again. He finally finished the second piece that I modeled for in the “Black Presidential” Series. The first joint I was in, “Can’t Truss it”, the upside-down one, was placed in the Artist Pension Trust (APT). -The thing to note about this joint “Mothering the Evolution” is the absence of the artist. First of its kind.
After 9 years on the campaign, last summer I ended my run with the truth™. For those who don’t know, it is the largest anti-tobacco campaign in history. So I just got a chance to meet one this year’s travel teams. We quickly exchanged some tales form the road. Then they had to bounce to work on their video blog. -The first team I had no hand in choosing. And I must say my protégés have done a dope job pulling together the correct squad. Cool kids are runnin’ it!
Just got a hit from my friend Ingrid LaFleur, art lover. She’s been growing this fly brand called Promiscuous Eye. I can try to explain what that means but I’m sure she can do it better: www.promiscuouseye.tv. And peep this video when you have time:
PE in Detroit from Promiscuous Eye on Vimeo.

Something I wanna address…

Before I left for LA to do that SKF Lounge event I had a timely blast from the past. I ran into this woman that was a part of a major life lesson, unbeknownst to her. When I was the doorman at a popular nightspot, she was one of the regulars that I wished I’d had the cahones to step to. Turns out she was a fan. Funny how this life works.
One of my biggest fears in life was public speaking, especially in front of Black folks. For the non-Black readers, see Show Time at the Apollo to get a glimpse at how intimidating my peoples can be. So back in the day, I helped my roommate produce one of the first and hottest open mic spots in ATL, “Elevation”. It was so popular that at times the sign-up list to get on stage was down the block. –Anywho, while he was traveling one summer, his girlfriend and I held it down. One day she heard me spitting a rhyme under my breath and was like, “you should do that on stage!” Up until that point, I’d never considered it. My phobia kept this from being a consideration. People will clown me. I’m not gonna make an ass of myself! But her suggestion stirred something in me. I had to crush this fear.
So I used my roommate’s return as an occasion to challenge myself. I remember, on the day I decided to take the stage, I was physically ill that whole day. Sitting in class, I thought I’d pass out. By the time I got to the door that night and signed up on the poetry list, I was in a cold sweat. My roommate sees the list and surprised, asks, “You’re gettin up there?” “Just say my name right man,” I mumbled. By the time I heard “most of you just know him as the doorman. But welcome to the stage, my brother HOPE 2-5!” I could barely walk. Applause? I was so shook, I couldn’t even stand on the small 2’ high stage. So I sat. From this position I was actually lower than to guests sitting at the tables. What are they thinking? I look stupid sitting down here. Here goes…
Strangely enough, after I spoke the first sentence, all the tension that accumulated throughout the day began to dissipate. But by the time I got to the middle of the piece I was struck by the silence. I’d never witnessed that type of engaged stillness in my life. I’d never seen this room that quiet for any real poets. They’re waiting for me to f*** up. So I stopped. Unsure, I asked, “Are you guys still wit me out there?” Standing ovation!!! “Wow! OK, I’m not done yet.” After everyone finally sat back down, I finished this rhyme-turned-poem. In the end I received a second standing ovation. Still dizzy from the receding nervous energy I made a beeline for the men’s room. Before I could reach the handle, that gorgeous woman stopped me in an archway. She clutched my hands in hers and said, “Your words were beautiful”. Is this happening? “Give Thanks.”
Back on my perch at the door my truth began to arise. Growing up, I was always too Black or just not Black enough. Not down enough, too nerdy, too different. I imagine everyone goes through stages of projected inadequacy. But this first solo stage experience taught me that whether people are singing my praises or talking s*** about me, I can’t allow it to matter so much. There’s nothing to prove and no one to prove it to. I have to do the best I can with what I’ve got and KNOW that it’s good enough. Today this mantra manifest as what people think of me is none of my business. When I allow public opinion to be louder than my truth it interferes with God work.
So when I ran into this woman, before going to take the stage in LA, she expressed how happy she was to see me. “Your energy is always so great!” That does an ego good, to be sure. But what’s more important to me is that I radiate good energy and hope that it is being received. My job is to set the good intention and detach from the outcome. When I remember to do that I feel good about me.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!

“The most I can show you is Love”.
The views expressed here are my opinion. These notions come from personal life experience, current challenges, or things I’ve helped others with. These are my truths. My only intention is to be helpful and share great advice I pick up on my journey. It is my hope that what I share will help you to find your own truth.

Points of interest…

BRIAN FOUNTAIN MURRAY-Photog on the move!

CHICO MANN, part of the Afrobeat Band AntBalis got something new in the streets. If you don’t know about him, please wake up!

BLISSFUL BODIES- With the Mistress of Stress Relief, Lady Elika.

SOL MESSIAH- Talk about “super-producer”!? This is dude is an OG. -He just put up this site>>>

SOL FUSION- The TEXAS addition.
Sol-Fusion Dallas, TX Promo from kdygitle on Vimeo.

Thank you’s and shout-outs…
MY MOM- I’m proud of you for going back to school! Guess it’s my turn…?

ASKI and NOVENA- Give thanks for hosting my first event in this series. Yall took care of a Brotha!

AMBER OJEDA- your energy was just right for SKF Lounge. Give thanks for sharing your light! Muy sexy.

BRIAN FOUNTAIN MURRAY- for the fly skf pics! Good look Bro.


THE LINKS- Celebrating 3 years of marital bliss. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Love you guys.

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