FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE: BSP UNTITLED 3- A collection of re-imagined music. As a GarageBand hobbyist, I've been making beats since '06. But I didn't discover sampling until later. One day, after recording a DJ practice session on the 1s and 2s, I decided to turn it into a mixtape. But I needed an intro. So I figured out how to create a loop at the beginning of "The Traveler: Vol.1", and I was hooked! I started playing around with some of my favorite childhood songs, and my obsession grew from there. -This is the 3rd installment.

thats my brother goin' in!!! LISTEN and KEEP ON REPEAT!!! Keep up the great work Sir!! #Salute
Da'shon Is, my twin brother! I love you, my friend. Thank you for the honor of being such a big part of your message in your 1st video on your new site.
You have so much old soul wisdom to share with the world.
Blessings to you
- Taylore, aka: Sensual Sage
<3 <3 <3 !!!!!!! takes me back to all the thumbs up brunches!
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