Peace Good People!
It’s been another week of waking up. My fam and friends have had some crazy things happen to them. And as I remember, I remind them that there are no wasted moments. Good, bad, whatever, let’s keep it moving, with a smile!
da’shon is.

"That just happened!"

Mighty Aphrodite?
Or is it the Adonis™? Apparently the Oprah show has gone beyond book recommendations! I was informed that a particular vibrator was suggested for g-spot orgasms and it sold out immediately. Talk about power. She says boo, and the world (at least the female population) is moved. Seriously, though, I’m all for the idea of empowering young women. The more a female knows about her body, the more she can teach her partner. Everybody wins! Get yours.
Tea Baggin’
It’s like a bad movie to me. Republicans protesting the President’s economic policy by invoking a 17th century act of rebellion. A perfect illustration on how out of touch they are from most. Even if they are in on their own joke, the shit is just silly to me. And what’s even sillier is that most people still don’t see this whole thing for what it truly is. It’s all one big lewd ACT! In this scene, who’s doing the dipping and who’s getting bagged? Please wake up my friends.
No HOPE for truth™
Well not really. I’m sure they’ll be fine without me. For those that don’t know, I worked with this anti-tobacco campaign for the past 9 years (oh, and people called me HOPE). Last year I decided that it was time for me to move on and do my tings-an-ting. So this past Monday, five of my former employees converged in Atlanta to prepare for this summers nation-wide tours. -I’ll miss you guys, but this groundbreaking program is in very capable hands! Safe travels.
Rite Pass
Last fall my homie had a naming ceremony for his son. It was a great experience and I think it’s a needed first Rite of Passage for American children. Ten years ago was the first time I considered what sort of difference these rituals would have made in my life. Around the time of the ceremony is when I realized that I wasn’t alone in this notion. So the first steps have been taken to address this issue. Check out his powerful blog: http://passageofright.wordpress.com. And stay tuned for entries from yours truly.

Something I wanna address…
Molested Part 1
I had my first sexual experience at age 5. Way too young to even be thinking about such things, but I did. Maybe it was the music my parents listened to. Maybe TV gave my impressionable mind a start. Maybe it was that one time I walked in on my folks ruffling up the couch pillows under red light. I still don’t like being in a red-lit room! I don’t know how or exactly when my curiosity was aroused but I was pretty young. Curiosity may have killed that cat, but it gave me a chance to play “house”.
Basically, a family member molested me. I was playing alone in a room. I was startled when the door swung open. I was caught humping my wife (a stuffed animal) on the couch (a big toy box). This intrigued the onlooker. Rather than busting me, to my surprise I was left alone. At that age, I knew what I was doing was “wrong”, but it seemed my innocent explanation sufficed. But she returned a short while later with an offer I couldn’t refuse. “You wanna do that for real?” “Yeah”, I said. Thus began my premature exploration.
I’ll spare me the details, but it turned nasty. The first time I liked it. Well, as much as a 5-year-old boy could. I mean, I chose to be there, well, as much as a 5-year-old boy could. But just like any child with a new toy, it got old quick. When I refused to revisit the act, my playmate turned vicious. Perhaps she thought I’d tell my mom on her. I had no intentions on doing that; my mom swung a mean belt! At that age all I knew was I was engaged in something bad that I initially volunteered for. That just felt like an ass whoppin’ waiting to happen. So, to keep me quiet I was threatened, locked in a dark tool shed at night, and otherwise verbally abused. Curiosity didn’t kill me, but it left a scar.
I was talking to a friend the other day about how one’s first sexual experiences color the rest of our relationships. Good, bad or ugly, how we cope with the first time will inform how we deal with future partners. I’m sure that I take sex so seriously because of my childhood traumas. In my friend’s case, he said his first time motivated him to do the opposite of what he experienced. So then this notion begs the question; what was a molester’s first experience like? Are they blindly acting out patterns or are they making a cognizant choice to be deviant?
Molestation and pedophilia is pandemic. I believe that those of us who are in a position to do so should speak on it. Let me be clear, I don’t mean we should pick a bright colored ribbon as a symbol and take to the streets. In my opinion, that sort of thing adds fuel to the fire. I’m saying, telling one’s story from an enlightened place of presence can be of benefit to another people who has buried their own abuse.
Stay tuned for more on the subject.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!
Cute, but no.

“The most I can show you is Love”.

The Joy of Letting Go
At some point we’ve all gotta let go of something. I believe the issue is that we fight against what is, and we make things worse. He dumped you, she embarrassed you, they did you wrong. When our feelings are hurt, it’s tough to ignore. But we have to decide what we love more, the drama or generally feeling good.
For most people letting go is the hardest thing to do. When we invest time and effort into something that disappoints, it stings. And if we mistakenly wrap our self worth in something that is beyond our control, well, you know the out come. But I know that when I pause, and embrace some fundamentals of being, letting go becomes as easy as opening my hand and watching ‘it’ fall.
It boils down to controlling one’s ego. The best thing I do for myself is remembering that this pesky ego lives in the past and the future. The things that happened to us are done. The things we fear may happen have not happened. The ego’s job is to keep us bouncing back and forth between these 2 points in time. Because of that, most people remain stuck on the pain, disappointment, and frustrations of things that are already dead and gone! We can easily control the ego by being present. We can easily let go by being present.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but would I lie to you? Don’t just believe me, try it. Something got your chones in a bunch? Imagine yourself holding that thing in your hand really tightly. Now, open your hand and watch that thing drop. Turn, walk away, and never look back. And if your mind wonders back to that thing you don’t want, repeat the process. We humans tend to make things more dramatic than they have to be. This practice will change your life.

Points of interest…
If you're in the A, I'm spinning at the Addidas Store @ Lenox Mall 1-6pm, Sat April 18! Don't sleep...

Sunny's doin' it to big to bring awareness to Lupus. Dilla, rest in peace.

DAN THE MAN puts it on. Let's go!

Rennie Harris Puremovement @ Rialto Center for the Arts on 4/25 @ 8 p.m. All ages.
Burn Unit is doing a post-show performance in the lobby.

DOOM showing mega love to staHHr in this interview.

Thank you’s and shout-outs…
Piper & Chaz go to Hawaii! I don't see yall enough as it is! Save room on the coach : D

LOT'S OF LOVE TO MY BABY SISTER who was mistakenly held at gun point by LAPD. We know how they do. She's was shaken up, but she's good.

Don't sweat it Sis. Love You!
PEACE TO THE truthSAYERS: Shawn, Janna, Ian, Kaili, Tia, Deepa, and Scotty. Love Yall!

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