Yes Yes Yall!
Comin’ at you LIVE & DIRECT to live and direct my magnificent journey! Hope your weekend was fly: ) -It’s my prayer that the things I share here will be of benefit to anyone who drops through. Please share you thoughts that I may continue to grow and get better.
da’shon is.

"That just happened!"

I put in a little work for my girl Racheal on Saturday. I was madd tired from the night before, but as soon as I played the first record I perked up. Food, music, karaoke (not me), oh what a night! And I don’t generally check for women with children (baby daddy drama), but there was this one that made me kinda warm…
-Anywho, BIG UPs to the Rach who graduated with honors. Time to take the world by storm!

As I mentioned, I’m being immortalized in one of Fahamu Pecou’s paintings. I’m a part of the “Blak Prez” series playing a bodyguard, again. It’s probably the only time you’ll ever see me in a tie! -I think it’s one of his best-executed pieces. Not just ‘cause I’m in it though, seriously, it’s good stuff. I’m always talking shit about how well his image comes out, and how his guest stars don’t look as good as he does. Now I eat my words. It’s so dope that he’s hanging it upside down! Sweden won’t know what hit ‘em!

My homie and her boyfriend were in town so I took them to witness a part of ATL tradition. We didn’t really get all up in it, just kinda walked through. If you’re from the A, you know it ain’t like it used to be! But I did grab one of those big-ass turkey legs : ) They found something to suit their palette, we found a patch of grass and people-watched. A perfect Saturday down south. But it’s time to give up meat and get right…

…To that end, my girl Kerisha put me on to this woman who teaches people how to live well. I plan on taking my SKF Lounge™ event on the road this summer. So when Kerisha saw this woman teaching sexual kung fu to men, she immediately thought of me. She kinda knows what I’m attracted to as well, “you need to SEE this woman!” Indeed. Real talk; if anyone out there knows Ms. Amen, please help me arrange a meeting. The good doctor and I have a good many things to talk about.

I just recently read that a 35,000 year-old Venus-like sculpture was found in Germany. The Hohle Fels cave is were archeologists found the world’s oldest human carving. -This reminded me of a story I read about the Nazi’s. Apparently when they went on their rampage to create their new religion they buried some of the religious artifacts they stole. Supposedly, these paintings and figurines depicted African deities and saints (Jesus and Mary). Makes me wonder how many hidden treasures the ego has buried…

Something I wanna address…
“The Shit” interviews “The World’s Most Sensual Sage”.WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE.

Corny, politically incorrect, or just silly-ass stuff!
President Obama makes a funny or two…

“The most I can show you is Love”.

I had lunch with Ebony who is a follower of the sayWHAT?!™ blog. She’s asked me to speak on how to stay focused. There are countless ways to get one’s mind under control. I’ll do my best to lay down some basics, but this topic warrants more discussion. -The mind is a powerful tool and great servant but a horrible master.
In my journey, before I could think about focusing on tasks, I had to learn to stop thinking. Unchecked, our thoughts run on non-stop and get us into far more trouble than most realize. I had to first understand that I am not my mind or my thoughts. I am the spirit that animates this beautiful body and dynamic brain. Once I understood this, the mechanics of focus became much easier.
Here’s an easy way to build focusing power: a breathing meditation. I sit quietly, somewhere
I won’t be distracted. I focus all of my attention on the inch behind my navel, my center. Yes, I contemplate my navel! I inhale all the way to the bottom of my lungs, extending my belly all the way out. Babies are good at this and do it naturally. Once I feel full of air, I slowly release the air, flattening my stomach, and trying to make my navel touch my spine. All of this happens through the nostrils in slow, controlled intervals. Sometimes I count the second to make the inhale and exhale even. Focusing on the mechanics of breathing has remarkable healing power, not to mention it unlocks our ability to master our minds.
Be easy on yourself and don’t force any part of the exercise. It’s very challenging in the beginning, but ANYONE can do this. And by the nature of doing this regularly, it gets easier and your whole life comes into focus. –When unwanted thoughts come in, don’t get frustrated. Allow the thoughts to dissolve into the rhythm of your breathing. Don’t give thoughts your full attention, focus only on your breathing and the thoughts will fade away.
I hope this is helpful. Hit me up and let me know how it’s going. Buenos aires!

Points of interest…




Thank you’s and shout-outs…
Good to meet you Bro. Good luck on the new job!

How come I didn’t know women like you when I was 21?! –Walk through that fire Love; you can’t get burnt! Give thanks for the lessons : D

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